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Saturday, January 29, 2011

How do I start my own business?

New entrepreneurs face many difficulties when they start their business. Usually new entrepreneurs commit the same mistakes that happened to former investors because of the lack of knowledge of common mistakes that many first-time business owners made.

How do I start my own business? This is the first question that comes to many people who are willing to invest their money. It is a common mistake for people to start their own business by asking questions like this. The first question they should be asking themselves is "How do I create a plan to start my own business?".  One of the reason many small business fail is the failure to create a plan when they start their own business. By creating your plan you will have the ability to start your own business with a lower risk for the future.

Another common mistake many first-time business owners make is to ask the wrong person for advice on the advantages and disadvantages for their own business. Many people start searching for an answer by asking their friends or their classmate who do not have any idea about their business type. It is a very important to know the advantages and disadvantages in order to get a very clear picture about the future of your own business but you need to ask the right person who has a very clear idea about your business type.

The first challenge is the first year for new entrepreneurs which is the major challenge for them. They need to spend a big portion of their money in the first year to cover operating expenses while they do not expect to see a large number of customers. New entrepreneurs  must be ready to face the difficulties that will appear when the costs are higher than the income during the first year of operation by making sure that they have enough money to survive.

Another challenge for new entrepreneurs is to build a bridge to the second year in their business.  Often first-time business owners spend their capital in the first year of their business because they think that they will start to make a profit by the end of the first year and that will help them to cover the operating expenses for the second year which is totally wrong. New entrepreneurs must have a sufficient amount of money to cover the expenses for at least the first two years without touching their money that comes from business revenue.

So, if you want to continue your business you should learn from the mistakes that other made, look for the most suitable solutions for your business and remember that mistakes are not a crime, if you can rectify those mistakes they are the key to success.

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